First Odessa Women’s Ministry has at its heart a love for women, whatever their stage of life. We believe that women committed to Christ are, together, a powerful agent of change for this world. We desire to inspire our women to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and offer a solid foundation of Bible Studies that support this goal. With our monthly WOW luncheons, annual Christmas Cookie Swap, as well as new programs and events on the horizon, you will find your heart inspired & enriched as you strengthen your relationship with Christ and others.


Monthly | Various Locations and Times

Cost: Free

Women who love reading, praying, and sharing with our sisters in Christ. Meetings are once monthly with a variety of days and times to fit your schedule. Contact Marty Hinson at 432-553-6497 for more info about meeting times and groups.

NovelTea Book Club

Monthly (Check calendar for dates) | The Commons Area

Cost: Varies by book

NovelTea meets to laugh, chat, make new friends, bond over good food, and a good story. Book selections are varied to read secular books and discuss with a Christian worldview. 

click here to RSVP!

 Wednesday Night Bible Study

Don't be confused about "the Day of the Lord." The Thessalonians were interested in the end times, just as we are today. But they were confused until they received this letter from Paul. Include this book in your study of prophecy to fully understand what God says about the last days.

Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm
Location: Fellowship Hall 
Teacher: Andi McWilliams

buy your workbook here!